Friday, May 22, 2009

Assorted links

The folks at marginal revolution offer up an informal theory of assorted links. I have avoided such posts though I am not quite clear on why, as I like them on other blogs. It might be that I somehow feel obliged to comment on everything I post, though I suppose the fact that I choose to link to something is itself a comment.

So, in their spirit of their post, some assorted links:

1. "Overheard in NY" greatest hits page.

2. "Overheard in Ann Arbor" which is less funny and where no one has posted in two years!

3. Tips on making conversation with a stranger. (hat tip: instapundit)

4. Pew forum on changing religions in the US (we are a great big outlier here)

5. The British National Party is incompetent. Who would have guessed?

I'll do some more of these in a spirit of catching up on my backlog of cool links.